Saturday, July 19, 2008

hotter than hell today

I've just finished watching CNN and almost fainted when the talking-heads announced that Obama is leading by only 4 percentage points! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Mccain, while an apparantly decent man, gleefully admitted to knowing nothing about the economy while his compadre Phil Gramm call us all a bunch of whiners who are complaining about an imaginary recession. Can you believe that! And George Bush’s priorities have always been skewed. Why just months after declaring he wanted bin Laden “dead or alive,” Bush said, “I truly am not that concerned about him.” Turning his attention away from bin Laden, Bush trained his focus on Iraq — a country he now admits had “nothing” to do with 9/11.

I mean, what will it take to get it through your thick skulls that the Republican party doesn't give a damn about you. About any of us? What else do they have to do to make all you gun-totin, environment killin, homosexual-hatin bible-thumpin Republicans understand that you are being used,abused and lied to?

1. Boys and girls barely old enough to vote are dying in Iraq by the truck-loads for
a war based on lies/misinformation.

2. George W.Bush refused to testify under oath about the 911 attacks, and
refused to tesify without Dick Cheney at his side. (Let's see you try that in

3. The FEMA/Katrina debacle.

4. The Valerie Plame/Scooter Libby scandal.

5. The soaring national debt.

6. The fact that he said oil revenues from Iraqi oil would pay for the war...
We're paying for this stupid war via loans from China!

7. The sinking dollar.

8. The foreclosure nightmare.

9. The health care crisis.

10. skyrocketing oil prices...

Yet everytime I see this sniggling idiot on the news, he's laughing, joking, dancing, vacationing and telling us that everything is okay. ***NEWS FLASH*** EVERYTHING IS NOT OKAY "SNIGGLING GEORGE"! We're in a recession you lying SOB and sliding quickly into a Depression. Just look at what's happening to the banks.

. Press Release
The FDIC has issued a press release (PR-56-2008) about the institution's closure. If you represent a media outlet and would like information about the closure, in California, please contact David Barr with the Office of Public Affairs at 703-622-4790, in Washington D.C. please contact Andrew Gray at 202-898-7192.

Does this sound like everything is all right to you? (Unless you're a millionare like your president and his buddies, everything is definately not all right!)

When Reagan took office in 1981, the national debt stood at $995 billion. Twelve years later, by the end of George H.W. Bush’s presidency, it had exploded to $4 trillion. Reagan was a “B” grade movie actor and a doddering, probably clinically senile president, but he was a sheer genius at rewarding his friends by saddling other people with debts.

Bill Clinton reversed Reagan’s course, raising taxes on the wealthy, and lowering them for the working and middle classes. This produced the longest sustained economic expansion in American history. Importantly, it also produced budgetary surpluses allowing the government to begin paying down the crippling debt begun under Reagan. In 2000, Clinton’s last year, the surplus amounted to $236 billion. The forecast ten year surplus stood at $5.6 trillion. It was the last black ink America would see for decades, perhaps forever.

George W. Bush immediately reversed Clinton’s policy in order to revive Reagan’s, once again showering an embarrassment of riches on the already most embarrassingly rich, his “base” as he calls them. He ladled out some $630 billion in tax cuts to the top 1% of income earners. In true Republican fashion, they returned the favor by investing over $200 million to ensure Bush’s re-election.

And still you keep putting Republicans in.

Here's how it always works for some strange reason. Republicans break the economy, Democrats repair the damage made by the Republicans and actually make things better, then the American sheeple vote the Republicans in again so they can mess things up all over again. And the cycle of destruction continues.

The Republicans dupe middle-class morons into voting for them decade after decade by simply claiming to be the party of God. But ask yourself this and then I'll get off my soapbox. If Jesus was alive today, do you really think he'd shoot Bambi, Thumper, and Simba the Lion King in the face with a shotgun just so he could mount their heads on his livingroom wall? Republicans would have you beleive that he would. And do you really think he'd support the sale and use of guns (remember that pesky little commandment, thou shalt not kill?) Republicans would have you believe he would. And do you think for a moment he would be okay with millions of his children dying every year because they couldn't afford health insurance? And finally, do you really think ole J.C. would be listening to hate radio like the Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, and Micahel Savage shows? Call me crazy, but based on what I've read about him in the King James version of the Holy Bible, I'd say probably not. But year in and year out, virtually without fail, you keep putting Republicans in office. You keep allowing them to exploit you for their own personal gain and at your expense.

They don't even get global warming! The talking heads on FOX News, aka the Republican News Network,don't even believe that global warming is real. I'm not kidding. I swear to you, I actually heard one of them say that it was a scare tactic invented by the "Liberal Media".

Republican decision makers and right-wing talk show hosts like Michael Savage, Laura Ingraham and Rush Limbaugh and the FOX News Network (care only about money and power. Money is there God and power is their altor. They are racist, intolerant, war-mongers who do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to enhance the lives of people in the middle class. Did you know that everytime they are in power, the middle class shrinks in size? Did you know also that the American economy and the middle class has always flourished under Democratic rule and diminished under Republican rule? And in terms of being racial bigots, did you know that the racist southern Dixiecrats all left the Democratic party to become Republicans because of their "States Rights" position against racial equality.

Yeah, the Republican Party is the Party of God all right. They love guns (weapons of mass destruction) and hate gays. Just like Jesus would have. Hey, makes sense to me you Jesus-loving Republicans. You just keep right on voting the Republicans in so they can continue to kill your kids in meaningless wars, and so they can continue to get guns into the hands of maniacs who will gun your kids down in their high school and college classrooms. Good luck with that.

Oh, and by the way, before I jump off this soapbox, just let me leave you with this thought. The very same people who are sending your kids off to die in battle, lied and cheated their way out of having to serve.

The unit in which Bush served was known as a "Champagne unit," where the scions of the Texas aristocracy could avoid combat duty with relatively few demands on their time. Serving in that unit with Bush were the sons of three prominent men: Democratic Governor John Connally, Democratic Senator and future Vice-Presidential nominee Lloyd Bentsen, and Republican Senator John Tower, as well as seven members of the Dallas Cowboys professional football team, and James R. Bath, who would become a longtime friend of Bush's. He joined so avoid serving in Vietnam. Nice!

When Cheney became eligible for the draft, he was a supporter of the Vietnam War but did not serve in the military. Instead, he applied for and received five draft deferments. Nicer!

EXHIBIT C: Rush Limbaugh.
When Limbaugh became eligible for the Vietnam draft, he avoided it because he had been classified 4-F after a physical found that he had an "inoperable pilonidal cyst" and "a football knee from high school." Funny how that "inoperable pilonidal cyst" never prevented him from sitting his fat, flabby ass in his announcers chair for hours on end.

EXHIBIT D: Michael Savage:
Michael Savage: Did not serve

EXHIBIT E: Sean Hannity: Did not serve
Sean Hannity: Did not serve

EXHIBIT F: Bill O'Reilly:
Bill O'Reilly: Did not serve

EXHIBIT G: Laura Ingraham:
Laura Ingraham Did not serve.



Anyway,as Forrest Gump once said..."And that's all I have to say about that."

On a much lighter note, I've completed the second chapter of "FO4R" but for some reason I can't get the damn thing downloaded onto this blog. I'll try again on Monday night after work.

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